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Were you sexually assaulted?

  • If you are in danger or have injuries, call 911 immediately
  • Contact us 24/7 at (407) 823-1200 for reporting and non-reporting options, resources, or to obtain a forensic exam
  • If you do not want to report to the police, you can receive a non-reporting forensic exam
  • At minimum, contact the UCF Student Health Center for a medical check-up, STI testing, pregnancy testing, or emergency contraception
  • To preserve physical evidence:
    – Do not shower, douche, brush your teeth, eat, drink, or use the restroom if possible
    – Do not change or wash your underwear or clothing. If you have removed your clothing, place it in a paper bag or eco-grocery bag

Learn more about your options after sexual assault.

Reporting Options

Are you in an unhealthy relationship? Does your partner:

  • Tell you who you can/cannot see
  • Discourage your relationships with friends or family
  • Taunt you, make fun of you, call you names, or belittle you
  • Pressure you to have sex
  • Sabotage your success at work or school
  • Check your email, texts, and social media accounts
  • Pressure you to use drugs/alcohol
  • Refer to you as an object
  • Accuse you of cheating or being unfaithful
  • Get angry easily
  • Threaten to harm themself if you break up
  • Threaten to harm you or your family, friends, or pets
  • Destroy your property to get even
  • Blame you for their behavior when things go wrong
  • Tell you no one else could ever love you
  • Follow you or show up uninvited to your home/work/school

If you would like more information or need help leaving an abusive relationship, contact us 24/7 at (407) 823-1200. Our specialists can help develop a safety plan, inform you of your options, and/or assist with filing for an injunction for protection.

Are you being stalked or harassed?

  • Consider making a report to law enforcement
  • Contact us 24/7 at (407) 823-1200 for options and safety planning
  • Make a no-contact statement to the perpetrator
  • Change passwords and update privacy settings on all email and social media accounts
  • Document all incidents of stalking and harassment (date, time, description of incident, etc.) on a stalking incident log
  • Consider filing an injunction for protection

Common Reactions to Victimization

If you are a victim of crime, violence, or abuse you may experience a variety of emotions as a result of this trauma. You can contact a confidential victim specialist by calling us 24/7 at (407) 823-1200 or you can text (407) 823-6868 to discuss what you’re experiencing. Learn more about common reactions to trauma and victimization.

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